Wednesday, July 4, 2012


We at business peole are so tied up in the day to day running of our business that we forget about all the great opportunities out there.

I realized this again when sitting in a meeting with the UK Trade and Invest in Cape Town.Ever thought of doing international business?

Do we operate in our own bubble and cut off from the rest?

This is where your local Chamber of Commerce can assist to expose your business to the international market !

Well we at the Roodepoort Chamber of Commerce assist our members.

So next time when you get invited to meet up with some international delegation ....just go and have a look, you might be surprised!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

What every entrepeneur should know?

Must watch for every entrepeneur!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Key to Success for every business owner ...

The Stoltz Consult blog is the key to success and a must read for every business owner that is serious about the success of his/her business.Follow the Stoltz Consult blog and get up to date marketing and business news from a panel of specialist that discuss everyday BUSINESS AND MARKETING topics and offer advice.This blog will not only offer information but practical ideas, tips and the latest marketing products to ensure success for your business.Please join our newsletter and follow our blog

Hope to hear from you soon

Sakkie Stoltz

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sakkie Stoltz - ROCCI's new President

Mr. Sakkie Stoltz of Bestgroup, and previously the Vice President of ROCCI, was elected as ROCCI’s President, following the 23rd Annual General Meeting of Roodepoort Chamber of Commerce and Industry held at Cabanga Conference Centre on 28 April 2011. Sakkie’s appointment received the majority support of his Executive at the election for Presidency that followed on the 12th May 2011.

ROCCI’s full Excecutive Committee for the new term is as follows:

Adrian Jonck (Konitek Pty Ltd)
Gerard Culhane (Gerard Culhane Attorneys)
Pikitup Johannesburg representative
Rose Pollard (JAM SA)
Roy Panday
Ruth Brauer (Fidelity Security Group Pty Ltd)
Sakkie Stoltz (Bestgroup)
Wessie van der Westhuizen (Willems & van der Westhuizen)

Details of the various portfolios they will service will be announced shortly.

Ex-Officio Representatives: Yolande Janse van Rensburg (Local Government Region C); A representative from SAPS still to be announced; Jacque Coetzee (Caxton Roodepoort Record / Northside Chronicle)

ROCCI welcomes Mr Stoltz as President and expresses great appreciation to the outgoing President, Mr Clive Kau who had served the Chamber for the past 13 years as President.

ROCCI is indeed proud to announce that its Vision going forward is “ROCCI Makes a Difference” and that the Values that uphold our Vision and Mission statements are :-

Honesty – in all we do and in all we expect
Transparency – display openness
Integrity – displayed in all our actions
Effective service - to all our members
Diversity – strength through diversity
Developmental - assist with growing business for mutual benefit.

In his acceptance address to his Executive, the President articulated ROCCI’s Vision as follows:

Ensuring that the needs of our business partners are satisfied through regular interaction and collaboration of all stakeholders.
To be seen and to serve as the Guardian of Business.
To assist with the development and growth of sectors in need through the required interventions.
To create and maintain a climate in which Business can grow and flourish through timeous and appropriate interventions and engagement with all stakeholders.
To deliver to all our members an enabling service that results in a win-win situation for all.
He continued further that ROCCI’s 5 Big Ticket Items for 2011 / 2012 in pursuance of its Vision are :-

Retention , expansion, recognition and reward.
2. Tourism

Together with the local hospitality industry and jointly with Joburg Tourism Co.(JTC) establish Roodepoort and surrounding areas as a destination of Choice.
3. Safety and Security

In collaboration with the SAPS and Security companies engage in a meaningful relationship that will create a climate in which business can prosper in relative safety.
4. The Green Economy

creating awareness amongst all businesses in reducing their carbon footprint ;
driving towards a separation of waste at point of collection to make recycling of waste an imperative;
the restoration of full landfill sites to people friendly venues such as Parks and Gardens
5. SMME Development

Continuing with ROCCI’s current developmental programme with greater emphasis on Mentorships and Business Linkages ,by the establishment of a ROCCI Advice Desk or in collaboration with our business partners.
The President concluded by undertaking that a survey will be conducted to thoroughly assess the needs of ROCCI’s valued Members. Members valuable input is of the utmost importance and ROCCI encourages all to complete the survey document that will be sent out shortly. This will enable Rocci to meet the demands of our members Better and ensure that ROCCI MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

Roodepoort Record's Article click here

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

21 Smart Marketing Secrets

To outwit, outsmart and win in business you need to sell more products and services. These 21 marketing know-how tips are guaranteed to help you find the customers you need.
By Laura Tiffany

1. Create quality marketing tools. This doesn’t mean you need to allot 75% of your budget to printing costs, presentation slides and a website. It means you need to put deep thought into the cohesive image you want to present. “Sit down and make a list of everything you’re going to need each time you make contact with a prospective customer or client, including a stationery package, brochures and presentation tools,” advises US marketing expert Kim T. Gordon. “Then, if you can’t afford to print it all at once, at least work with a designer and a copywriter to create the materials so you have them on disk.”

2. Greet clients with style. Voicemail may not seem like a component of your marketing plan, but if a potential client phones and your voice message is curt or the receptionist is not professional, that prospect or client will be gone before you can blink an eye. So get yourself a professional voicemail system (even the phone company offers options) with several boxes, advises Gordon, so callers can press “1” to hear more about your services, “2” for your web and email addresses, etc.

3. Focus as narrowly as possible. Instead of trying to reach all the people some of the time, narrow your target audience to highly qualified prospects. Instead of going to seven networking groups once every two months, go to the two groups with the best prospects every week. “Instead of marketing to 5 000 companies, find 100 highly qualified companies and make regular contact with them,” says Gordon. Phone them, mail your marketing materials and then ask to meet them. It will save you money and time.

4. Make the most of trade shows. Trade shows are ideal marketing platforms. Rick Crandall, a speaker, consultant and author of marketing books shares some of his secrets. “If you don’t get a booth beforehand, try to find someone who will share their space with you. You help them run the booth, and they get a local who can show them the town. If you decide not to get a booth, go anyway. You can always do business with the exhibitors; just be sure to respect their time with “real” customers before you approach them as a peer looking for some B2B action. After the seminar, be absolutely, positively sure that you follow up on your leads. What’s the point of attending if your leads end up in the trash? A study in 2000 found that 88% of exhibition attendees weren’t phoned by salespeople after the show.

5. Conduct competitive intelligence online. As one entrepreneur points out: “As a home-based business in 1978, how would you ever find out what your competition was doing, what they were charging or what kind of clients they had? Today, that information is completely at your fingertips. So find your competitors’ sites and get clicking”.

6. Offer your help. If you want to be known as a good businessperson, be helpful. The word of mouth value of someone you've assisted is worth its weight in marketing gold. Another way to help out your community and your business is to align yourself with a non-profit organisation. Patrick Bishop, author of Money-Tree Marketing, offers this idea: “Set up a fundraising programme that benefits a school, like a discount card. At the same time the children are selling the cards, they are promoting your business.”

7. Offer samples of work. For example, if you’re a Web designer, surf the Internet, find a potential client and send them a few tips they can use to improve their site. Or you can offer to do a small job for free just to show the potential client the quality of your work and to get them used to working with you.

8. Get out there and network. If this piece of marketing advice sounds like something you’ve heard before, there’s a good reason: it works. Join your local industry association or a networking club. When you go, ask the people you meet what leads they’re looking for and really listen to what they have to say. They’ll repay you in kind.

9. Cross-promote with other businesses. Who do you share customers with? Find them and figure out how you can promote one another. If you’re a PR person, hook up with a copywriter or graphic designer for client referrals. Or you could take note of collectives like a group of several wedding professionals (a caterer, DJ, dressmaker and photographer) for example, who work together through referrals. Another option is to add a brief note at the bottom of invoices referring your accounting clients to “an excellent computer consultant”, and have that consultant do the same for you.

10. Join a chat forum online. Find newsgroups that cater to your audience and join the fray. “I didn’t start participating in online discussion groups to generate business, but as a way to find information for myself on various subjects,” says Shel Horowitz, owner of the Massachusetts, US-based Accurate Writing & More and author of several marketing books, including Grassroots Marketing. “But it turned out to be the single best marketing tool I use. It costs only my time. One list alone has got me around 60 clients in the past five years.”

11. Offer an e-newsletter. Again, this establishes you as an expert, but it also provides another very important marketing tool: email addresses of potential clients. You’ve opened up the gates to creating a relationship with them by offering free information. Now they may approach you to do business, or you can use these “opt-in” addresses to offer your services.

12. Don’t wait for customers to find you. Rather than purchasing an email list for mass, impersonal advertising, spend some time surfing the Web for businesses that have some sort of connection to your own business. Then write them a personalised email telling them why you think they should build a business relationship with you. “Those letters have a high tendency to get answered because they are personal,” says Crandall. “And I’ve opened the door to business with people who were total strangers before I emailed them.”

13. Follow your best prospects. This is called play-space marketing. If you have a pet-sitting business, ask your local vet and groomer if you can display brochures. Are you a landscape artist? Offer to do a display for the local nursery. Do you throw children’s birthday parties? Buy a slide at the local movie theatre to be shown before family films. “Just be sure the environment is appropriate,” cautions Gordon. “If you’re a business consultant, you’re not going to run adverts on the movie screen. Advertise where people are likely to be thinking about what you’re selling.”

14. Become an expert. Develop business know-how into a marketing tool by writing online articles. “Write articles to show your talents and give them as fillers to any website owner who you feel is fitting. Not only does it bring you more traffic and potential customers, it also provides you with an international business portfolio to demonstrate your business sense and your product or service.

Other ways to establish yourself as an expert: answer questions in online forums; send tip sheets to local media outlets; write a book or pamphlet; or do the next tip on our list.

15. Host a seminar. It’s cheap, it’s easy and it’s a good way to get over your public-speaking fear. Crandall offers the story of a business broker who conducts free weekly seminars. People selling businesses don’t want to attend as they aren’t new to the business brokering process, but they do notice his advert and call for his services. Business buyers attend, and the broker now has “pre-qualified” prospects. “You’re getting free publicity, you’re getting prospects to call you, and you’re building on your level of expertise,” says Crandall, who hosts his own seminars on marketing.

16. Get local news coverage. Play up your locale as much as possible with personalised news releases. Which sounds better to your local press: a successful home-based caterer with a national contract, or a caterer from the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, with a national contract? Crandall recently promoted his mother’s children’s book by sending letters to the newspapers both where she currently lives and where she previously lived, and both picked up the story

17. Get ready for your close-up. Does TV sound remote for a business owner on a budget? Not so. If you’re the type of person who adores an audience, get onto a business show or lined up for an interview. “You can’t blatantly advertise a product or service, but it’s a good way to become better known,” says Bishop. “For example, if you sell crafts, you might start an instructional craft show. You could give away something for free or have a contest. When people phone or write in, you can start a mailing list and then contact them about your business.” Another bonus is that it adds to your expertise and gives you a great hook for your publicity efforts.”

18. When in doubt, pick up the phone. Instead of lamenting a lack of business, drumming your fingers on your desk and forming new worry lines on your face, call a customer. Touch base, see how they’re doing, visit their office when you’re running an errand, see if there’s anything you can do for them, even if it’s not a paid piece of work. It will improve your relationship, and you may jog their memory. After all, you’ll never hear “I’ve been meaning to call you!” if you don’t pick up the phone.

19. Thank you, dankie, ndiyabonga. Shower the top 20% of your clients who yield you the most sales (either in volume or rands) with appreciation, whether it’s via gifts, personalised notes or lunch. “It doesn’t cost a lot of money,” says Gordon, “but it’s a great way to let your best customers know they’re special.”

20. Offer a guarantee. More people will be willing to try out your business and recommend it if you offer “satisfaction guaranteed”.

21. Get them talking about you. Word of mouth marketing is just about the cheapest thing you can do to boost your business. The main way to attract referrals is to do a great job: impress your clients, and they will tell everyone they know. But there are more aggressive tactics you can use too. Ask everyone you know to refer to your business. Hand out several business cards to people rather than just one so they’re more likely to pass them on. Even go through your favourite client’s Rolodex (with his or her permission, of course) to find potential leads.

Please contact Stoltz Marketing for more information regarding your marketing plan and strategy.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Use Marketing to Stay Strong in a Weak Economy

Today's companies face the challenge of marketing in an economic state of turbulence and uncertainty. The key to maintaining forward momentum in today's market is to resolve to be competitive and shift to an opportunistic mind-set. Rather than focusing on the turbulence, your company should leverage the dynamics of a down market and become an even stronger competitor. A weak economy can actually serve as an opportunity to evaluate your marketing and public relations initiatives so you can make them more effective and efficient.

In good times, it's easy to get into the proverbial marketing rut; some companies have been marketing themselves the same way for years, using the same old marketing plan year after year. But when you're forced to scrutinize every expenditure, suddenly a new zest for change can emerge.

Let this weak economy empower your company to find fresh, creative ways to remain visible, stand out as a distinctive brand and be the leader in your category--even on a smaller marketing budget.

Find Your Perfect Business Automotive Business Svcs. Children's Products/Svcs. Cleaning & Maintenance Computer & Tech Education & Training Food & Restaurants Health & Personal Care Home Products/Svcs. Professional Services Retail Businesses Specialty Prods. Sports/Recreation Travel & Lodging The key to competing strong in a weak economy is to remain visible and project an image of strength and stability. Customers have a heightened sensitivity to any sign of weakness, so resist the urge to dramatically reduce your marketing activities.

To flourish in challenging times, you'll need to distill your marketing and public relations efforts into a powerful, concentrated mix that delivers a high level of visibility and impact on a limited budget.

If your company is looking for ways to do more with less, taking the following 10 steps can help you compete strong:

1.Rethink your marketing strategy.
Rather than making random budget cuts to reduce your marketing costs, determine how much spending is feasible based on your current financial situation. Then create a new marketing strategy that optimizes every dollar and integrates your activities to gain the highest return for every effort. This approach will ensure you forge a cohesive, strategic plan that will enable you to remain visible and strongly compete on a reduced budget.

2.Evaluate your brand.
Now is the time to carefully evaluate your brand, the market and your competitors. You need to get a 360-degree view of your current situation and how your existing marketing activities align with the current market conditions. Review your marketing assets (such as your company's brochures and website) to determine if they are relevant to today's customers. Also look closely at your competitors to determine if your company stands out.

3.Target your marketing efforts.
When marketing on a limited budget, laser-focused targeting of your ideal customers is vital. Invest your time in creating a targeted customer database to use for direct marketing. You may not be able to afford broad advertising efforts, but that's OK because direct marketing (snail mail and e-mail) allows you to directly reach your customers in a more efficient and cost-effective way.

4.Message strategically.
In a highly competitive market, you need to stand out with messages that are relevant to the times. Evaluate your messaging to ensure it connects with customers. Keep in mind that their wants, needs and interests may have shifted with the economy.

5.Update your core marketing materials.
If your brochures, website and other materials are not relevant to today's customers, or if they blend in with those of competitors, make the investment to update your core materials. Many times, customers will visit your website or request information before calling your business. Be sure to make a good first impression to optimize every opportunity.

6.Integrate traditional methods with online tools.
Today's communication model is a two-way dialogue. Integrating traditional marketing tactics with web-based tools and social media can boost your response rates by engaging customers at a deeper level. In many cases, boosting exposure through online social networking adds very little cost. Direct marketing can be used to drive customers to microsites (small, three-to-five-page websites) that focus on generating leads. Empowering customer interaction with your company can add significant impact to your campaigns and boost exposure for those on limited budgets.

7.Generate media buzz.
Increase your media exposure by launching a public relations campaign. Distribute regular press releases to your industry or local media outlets. Submit applications to speak at events or conferences as a thought leader. If your advertising budget is limited, supplementing your media and industry exposure with public relations is a good idea.

8.Increase your network.
Network with other business owners and customers at industry or local events to increase awareness of your company and generate interest. Do not underestimate the power of word-of-mouth; it is a powerful, cost-effective marketing tool.

9.Forge partnerships.
Remember, people don't have to work for your company to work with you, and your peers are in the same boat as you are. Many companies cannot afford to hire extensive staff or experts when times are tough. Strategically partnering with complementary companies can provide you with new leads and expand your network without adding costs. Look for win-win partnerships that can help your business move forward and help you achieve your goals.

10.Optimize your existing customers.
Many companies spend all their energy trying to win over new customers when existing customers may be the quickest way to increase business. It is critical to maintain strong customer relationships to retain customers. Look for opportunities to upgrade and cross-sell to your existing customers since you already have a relationship with them.
Resolve to become a fierce competitor to win more of the business that's out there. It is possible to leapfrog the larger competitors in your line of business--not by spending more, but instead by shrewd opportunism. Take a look around--if your competitors have cut back on their marketing or gone dormant, you might have an unprecedented chance to overtake them. Make every marketing move strategic and calculated. Strong marketers will prevail.

Editor : Tami Hernandez

Please contact Stoltz Marketing to assist with your marketing of your business